What is the delivery time?
Artwork is shipped from my studio in 3-5 business days via DHL, FedEx, UPS or USPS in a carefully packed strong cardboard box. A tracking number will be emailed to you once shipped. Please allow 7-10 business days for ground shipment depending on your location. Buyers cannot change their delivery address after the order was shipped out. Sales tax is charged to buyers with a Georgia state delivery location. Local pickup or delivery only is available for buyers residing in the Metro Atlanta area. I will contact you by email to arrange a location, date and time for delivery or pickup after your order is processed. Please let me know if you want to receive your order as quickly as possible.
Do you have a return policy?
Yes — your satisfaction is critical to me! All artworks are covered by a seven (7) day return policy for a refund of the purchase price, less any shipping costs. Please view return policy for full details.
Do you accept commissioned projects?
Yes. Please send your request to my Commission Art page and I will make your dream come true. Can’t wait to hear from you!
Do you accept wholesale purchases from art consultants and interior designers?
Yes. I offer single and volume discounts plus additional print size options for interior designers, architects, hospitality designers, and art consultants. Please call or email me about your project.
Does your artwork come with a Certificate of Authenticity?
Yes. All my artworks are shipped with a signed Certificate of Authenticity.
Do you resize?
Yes. Please send me your custom size request hello@addocontemporay.com.
Do you ship to buyers outside of the US & Canada?
Yes. I ship using DHL, FedEx and UPS and shipping charges are added to the cost. Possible custom import duties & taxes may be added at checkout. All fees are fully paid by the buyer. If your country is not available at checkout then unfortunately I do not ship to your country at this time (please contact me or email me at hello@addocontemporary.com or send a message on Facebook to see if I can add it to the list or make an exception). I will calculate the shipping cost on an as-needed basis to get the best rate on your behalf. All sales are final for international orders. I do not offer returns or exchanges.
What if I receive a damaged artwork?
If you receive a damaged artwork you must save the damaged box so I can immediately file a claim with the shipping company. They will need to see the box & artwork to launch their investigation. All of artworks are fully insured.
What is your privacy policy?
Your privacy is very much respected. Please view private policy page for full details.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I am always available to discuss your order.